Fixed: corrected the leading order in the asymptotics for \rho_1 in theorem 1.2. Fixed: The clusters in the cluster expansion are multi-sets, not sets. Fixed: The Ursell function in lemma 3.3 needs to be divided by the multiplicity of each element. Fixed: In the proofs of lemma 3.4 and theorem 1.2, when individuating a polymer from a cluster, one needs to sum over its multiplicity so as to avoid overcounting. Fixed: Wrong estimate in the proof of lemma 3.4 which changes some of the constants. Fixed: Missing a smallness condition on \alpha in the proof of lemma 3.4. Fixed: Wrong argument for the analyticity of \zeta in the proof of theorem 1.2. Fixed: miscellaneous minor tweaks, reformulations, clarifications and typos.
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Ian Jauslin, Joel L. Lebowitz: High-fugacity expansion, Lee-Yang zeros and order-disorder transitions in hard-core lattice systems, 2017