Fixed: deleted erroneous reference to Kramers and Wannier. Fixed: changed boundary conditions. Fixed: definition of \mathbb S(X). Fixed: miscellaneous minor tweaks, formatting and typos. Added: informal description of Gaunt-Fisher configurations. Changed: title. Changed: reformulate main theorem.
This directory contains the source files to typeset the article, and generate the figures. This can be accomplished by running make This document uses a custom class file, located in the 'libs' directory, which defines a number of commands. Most of these are drop-in replacements for those defined in the 'article' class. Some extra functionality is provided in custom style files, located in the 'libs' directory. * Dependencies: pdflatex TeXlive packages: amsfonts babel babel-russian color cyrillic doublestroke graphics hyperref latex lh marginnote pgf standalone GNU make * Files: Jauslin_Lebowitz_2017b.tex: main LaTeX file libs: custom LaTeX class and style files figs: source code for the figures
Ian Jauslin, Joel L. Lebowitz: High-fugacity expansion, Lee-Yang zeros and order-disorder transitions in hard-core lattice systems, 2017