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14 Commits

8 changed files with 618 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ LD=$(CC)
LIBS = -lm -lfftw3 -lfftw3_threads
LIBS = -lm -lfftw3 -lfftw3_threads -lopenblas_64
override LDFLAGS +=$(LIBDIRS)$(LIBS)

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ and $q\cdot p^\perp$ is antisymmetric under exchange of $q$ and $p$. Therefore,
\partial_t\hat u_k=
-\frac{4\pi^2}{L^2}\nu k^2\hat u_k+\hat g_k
+\frac{4\pi^2}{L^2|k|}T(\hat u,k)
=:\mathfrak F_k(\hat u)
@ -101,9 +103,8 @@ We truncate the Fourier modes and assume that $\hat u_k=0$ if $|k_1|>K_1$ or $|k
\mathcal K:=\{(k_1,k_2),\ |k_1|\leqslant K_1,\ |k_2|\leqslant K_2\}
\point{\bf Runge-Kutta methods}.
\subsubsection{Runge-Kutta methods}.
To solve the equation numerically, we will use Runge-Kutta methods, which compute an approximate value $\hat u_k^{(n)}$ for $\hat u_k(t_n)$.
{\tt nstrophy} supports the 4th order Runge-Kutta ({\tt RK4}) and 2nd order Runge-Kutta ({\tt RK2}) algorithms.
In addition, several variable step methods are implemented:
@ -198,9 +199,8 @@ It can be made by specifying the parameter {\tt adaptive\_norm}.
This norm is selected by choosing {\tt adaptive\_norm=enstrophy}.
\point{\bf Reality}.
Since $U$ is real, $\hat U_{-k}=\hat U_k^*$, and so
\hat u_{-k}=\hat u_k^*
@ -222,9 +222,8 @@ Thus,
In order to keep the computation as quick as possible, we only compute and store the values for $k_1\geqslant 0$.
\point{\bf FFT}. We compute T using a fast Fourier transform, defined as
\subsubsection{FFT}. We compute T using a fast Fourier transform, defined as
\mathcal F(f)(n):=\sum_{m\in\mathcal N}e^{-\frac{2i\pi}{N_1}m_1n_1-\frac{2i\pi}{N_2}m_2n_2}f(m_1,m_2)
@ -267,9 +266,8 @@ Therefore,
\mathcal F\left(q_x|q|\hat u_q\right)(n)
\point{\bf Energy}.
We define the energy as
E(t)=\frac12\int\frac{dx}{L^2}\ U^2(t,x)=\frac12\sum_{k\in\mathbb Z^2}|\hat U_k|^2
@ -370,18 +368,83 @@ and
\point{\bf Enstrophy}.
The enstrophy is defined as
\mathcal En(t)=\int\frac{dx}{L^2}\ |\nabla U|^2
=\frac{4\pi^2}{L^2}\sum_{k\in\mathbb Z^2}k^2|\hat U_k|^2
\subsubsection{Lyapunov exponents}
To compute the Lyapunov exponents, we must first compute the Jacobian of $\hat u^{(n)}\mapsto\hat u^{(n+1)}$.
This map is always of Runge-Kutta type, that is,
\hat u^{(n+1)}=\hat u^{(n)}+\delta\sum_{i=1}^q w_i\mathfrak F(\hat u^{(n)})
(see\-~(\ref{ins_k})), so
D\hat u^{(n+1)}=\mathds 1+\delta\sum_{i=1}^q w_iD\mathfrak F(\hat u^{(n)})
We then compute
(D\mathfrak F(\hat u))_{k,\ell}
-\frac{4\pi^2}{L^2}\nu k^2\delta_{k,\ell}
+\frac{4\pi^2}{L^2|k|}\partial_{\hat u_\ell}T(\hat u,k)
and, by\-~(\ref{T}),
\partial_{\hat u_\ell}T(\hat u,k)
\sum_{\displaystyle\mathop{\scriptstyle q\in\mathbb Z^2}_{\ell+q=k}}
\frac{(q\cdot \ell^\perp)|q|}{|\ell|}
\frac{(\ell\cdot q^\perp)|\ell|}{|q|}
\right)\hat u_q
(k\cdot \ell^\perp)\left(
\right)\hat u_{k-\ell}
\point{\bf Numerical instability}.
The Lyapunov exponents are then defined as
\pi_i:=\prod_{i=1}^nD\hat u^{(i)}
However, the product of $D\hat u$ may become quite large or quite small (if the exponents are not all 1).
To avoid this, we periodically rescale the product.
We set $\mathfrak L_r\in\mathbb N_*$ (set by adjusting the {\tt lyanpunov\_reset} parameter), and, when $n$ is a multiple of $\mathfrak L_r$, we rescale the eigenvalues of $\pi_i$ to 1.
To do so, we perform a $QR$ decomposition:
\pi_{\alpha\mathfrak L_r}
where $Q^{(\alpha)}$ is diagonal and $R^{(\alpha)}$ is an orthogonal matrix, and we divide by $Q^{(\alpha)}$ (thus only keeping $R^{(\alpha)}$).
Thus, we replace
\pi_{\alpha\mathfrak L_r+i}\mapsto R^{(\alpha)}\prod_{j=1}^iD\hat u^{(j)}
The Lyapunov exponents at time $\alpha\mathfrak L_r$ are then
\frac1{\alpha\mathfrak L_r}\sum_{\beta=1}^\alpha\log\mathrm{spec}(Q^{(\beta)})
\subsubsection{Numerical instability}.
In order to prevent the algorithm from blowing up, it is necessary to impose the reality of $u(x)$ by hand, otherwise, truncation errors build up, and lead to divergences.
It is sufficient to ensure that the convolution term $T(\hat u,k)$ satisfies $T(\hat u,-k)=T(\hat u,k)^*$.
After imposing this condition, the algorithm no longer blows up, but it is still unstable (for instance, increasing $K_1$ or $K_2$ leads to very different results).

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@ -14,11 +14,13 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define COMMAND_UK 1
#define DRIVING_ZERO 1
#define DRIVING_TEST 2

src/lyapunov.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
Copyright 2017-2023 Ian Jauslin
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "constants.cpp"
#include "lyapunov.h"
#include <openblas64/cblas.h>
#include <openblas64/lapacke.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MATSIZE (K1*(2*K2+1)+K2)
// compute Lyapunov exponents
int lyapunov(
int K1,
int K2,
int N1,
int N2,
double final_time,
double lyapunov_reset,
double nu,
double D_epsilon,
double delta,
double L,
double adaptive_tolerance,
double adaptive_factor,
double max_delta,
unsigned int adaptive_norm,
_Complex double* u0,
_Complex double* g,
bool irreversible,
bool keep_en_cst,
double target_en,
unsigned int algorithm,
double starting_time,
unsigned int nthreads
double* lyapunov;
double* lyapunov_avg;
_Complex double* Du_prod;
_Complex double* Du;
_Complex double* u;
_Complex double* prevu;
_Complex double* tmp1;
_Complex double* tmp2;
_Complex double* tmp3;
_Complex double* tmp4;
_Complex double* tmp5;
_Complex double* tmp6;
_Complex double* tmp7;
_Complex double* tmp8;
_Complex double* tmp9;
_Complex double* tmp10;
double time;
fft_vect fft1;
fft_vect fft2;
fft_vect ifft;
// period
// add 0.1 to ensure proper rounding
uint64_t n=(uint64_t)((starting_time-fmod(starting_time, lyapunov_reset))/lyapunov_reset+0.1);
lyapunov_init_tmps(&lyapunov, &lyapunov_avg, &Du_prod, &Du, &u, &prevu, &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, &tmp4, &tmp5, &tmp6, &tmp7, &tmp8, &tmp9, &tmp10, &fft1, &fft2, &ifft, K1, K2, N1, N2, nthreads, algorithm);
// copy initial condition
copy_u(u, u0, K1, K2);
// store step (useful for adaptive step methods
double prev_step=delta;
double step=delta;
double next_step=step;
const _Complex double one=1;
const _Complex double zero=0;
int i;
// init average
for (i=0; i<MATSIZE; i++){
// save times at which Lyapunov exponents are computed
double prevtime=starting_time;
// iterate
while(final_time<0 || time<final_time){
// copy before step
copy_u(prevu, u, K1, K2);
ns_step(algorithm, u, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, L, g, time, starting_time, fft1, fft2, ifft, &tmp1, &tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
// compute Jacobian
// do not touch tmp1, it might be used in the next step
ns_D_step(Du, prevu, u, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, D_epsilon, prev_step, algorithm, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, L, g, time, fft1, fft2, ifft, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8, tmp9, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
// multiply Jacobian
// switch to column major order, so transpose Du
cblas_zgemm(CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, MATSIZE, MATSIZE, MATSIZE, &one, Du_prod, MATSIZE, Du, MATSIZE, &zero, tmp10, MATSIZE);
// copy back to Du_prod
_Complex double* move=tmp10;
// increment time
// reset Jacobian
// QR decomposition
// do not touch tmp1, it might be used in the next step
// extract eigenvalues (diagonal elements of Du_prod)
for(i=0; i<MATSIZE; i++){
// sort lyapunov exponents
qsort(lyapunov, MATSIZE, sizeof(double), compare_double);
// average lyapunov
for(i=0; i<MATSIZE; i++){
// exclude inf
if((! isinf(lyapunov[i])) && (time>starting_time)){
// print
for(i=0; i<MATSIZE; i++){
printf("% .15e % .15e % .15e\n",time, lyapunov[i], lyapunov_avg[i]);
fprintf(stderr,"% .15e",time);
// print largest and smallest lyapunov exponent
fprintf(stderr," % .15e % .15e\n", lyapunov[0], lyapunov[MATSIZE-1]);
// set Du_prod to Q:
// reset prevtime
lyapunov_free_tmps(lyapunov, lyapunov_avg, Du_prod, Du, u, prevu, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8, tmp9, tmp10, fft1, fft2, ifft, algorithm);
// comparison function for qsort
int compare_double(const void* x, const void* y) {
if (*(const double*)x<*(const double*)y) {
} else if (*(const double*)x>*(const double*)y) {
} else {
// Jacobian of u_n -> u_{n+1}
int ns_D_step(
_Complex double* out,
_Complex double* un,
_Complex double* un_next,
int K1,
int K2,
int N1,
int N2,
double nu,
double epsilon,
double delta,
unsigned int algorithm,
double adaptive_tolerance,
double adaptive_factor,
double max_delta,
unsigned int adaptive_norm,
double L,
_Complex double* g,
double time,
fft_vect fft1,
fft_vect fft2,
fft_vect ifft,
_Complex double* tmp1,
_Complex double* tmp2,
_Complex double* tmp3,
_Complex double* tmp4,
_Complex double* tmp5,
_Complex double* tmp6,
_Complex double* tmp7,
_Complex double* tmp8,
bool irreversible,
bool keep_en_cst,
double target_en
int lx,ly;
int i;
double step, next_step;
for(ly=(lx>0 ? -K2 : 1);ly<=K2;ly++){
// derivative in the real direction
// finite difference vector
for (i=0;i<MATSIZE;i++){
// compute step
// reinitialize step
ns_step(algorithm, tmp1, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, L, g, time, time, fft1, fft2, ifft, &tmp2, &tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
// compute derivative
for (i=0;i<MATSIZE;i++){
// use row major order
// derivative in the imaginary direction
// finite difference vector
for (i=0;i<MATSIZE;i++){
// compute step
// reinitialize step
ns_step(algorithm, tmp1, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, L, g, time, time, fft1, fft2, ifft, &tmp2, &tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
// compute derivative
for (i=0;i<MATSIZE;i++){
// use row major order
int lyapunov_init_tmps(
double ** lyapunov,
double ** lyapunov_avg,
_Complex double ** Du_prod,
_Complex double ** Du,
_Complex double ** u,
_Complex double ** prevu,
_Complex double ** tmp1,
_Complex double ** tmp2,
_Complex double ** tmp3,
_Complex double ** tmp4,
_Complex double ** tmp5,
_Complex double ** tmp6,
_Complex double ** tmp7,
_Complex double ** tmp8,
_Complex double ** tmp9,
_Complex double ** tmp10,
fft_vect* fft1,
fft_vect* fft2,
fft_vect* ifft,
int K1,
int K2,
int N1,
int N2,
unsigned int nthreads,
unsigned int algorithm
ns_init_tmps(u, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8, tmp9, fft1, fft2, ifft, K1, K2, N1, N2, nthreads, algorithm);
*Du_prod=calloc(sizeof(_Complex double),MATSIZE*MATSIZE);
*Du=calloc(sizeof(_Complex double),MATSIZE*MATSIZE);
*prevu=calloc(sizeof(_Complex double),MATSIZE);
*tmp1=calloc(sizeof(_Complex double),MATSIZE);
*tmp2=calloc(sizeof(_Complex double),MATSIZE);
*tmp10=calloc(sizeof(_Complex double),MATSIZE*MATSIZE);
// release vectors
int lyapunov_free_tmps(
double* lyapunov,
double* lyapunov_avg,
_Complex double* Du_prod,
_Complex double* Du,
_Complex double* u,
_Complex double* prevu,
_Complex double* tmp1,
_Complex double* tmp2,
_Complex double* tmp3,
_Complex double* tmp4,
_Complex double* tmp5,
_Complex double* tmp6,
_Complex double* tmp7,
_Complex double* tmp8,
_Complex double* tmp9,
_Complex double* tmp10,
fft_vect fft1,
fft_vect fft2,
fft_vect ifft,
unsigned int algorithm
ns_free_tmps(u, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8, tmp9, fft1, fft2, ifft, algorithm);

src/lyapunov.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Copyright 2017-2023 Ian Jauslin
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#ifndef LYAPUNOV_H
#define LYAPUNOV_H
#include "navier-stokes.h"
// compute Lyapunov exponents
int lyapunov( int K1, int K2, int N1, int N2, double final_time, double lyapunov_reset, double nu, double D_epsilon, double delta, double L, double adaptive_tolerance, double adaptive_factor, double max_delta, unsigned int adaptive_norm, _Complex double* u0, _Complex double* g, bool irreversible, bool keep_en_cst, double target_en, unsigned int algorithm, double starting_time, unsigned int nthreads);
// comparison function for qsort
int compare_double(const void* x, const void* y);
// Jacobian of step
int ns_D_step( _Complex double* out, _Complex double* un, _Complex double* un_next, int K1, int K2, int N1, int N2, double nu, double epsilon, double delta, unsigned int algorithm, double adaptive_tolerance, double adaptive_factor, double max_delta, unsigned int adaptive_norm, double L, _Complex double* g, double time, fft_vect fft1, fft_vect fft2, fft_vect ifft, _Complex double* tmp1, _Complex double* tmp2, _Complex double* tmp3, _Complex double* tmp4, _Complex double* tmp5, _Complex double* tmp6, _Complex double* tmp7, _Complex double* tmp8, bool irreversible, bool keep_en_cst, double target_en);
// init vectors
int lyapunov_init_tmps(double** lyapunov, double** lyapunov_avg, _Complex double ** Du_prod, _Complex double ** Du, _Complex double ** u, _Complex double ** prevu, _Complex double ** tmp1, _Complex double ** tmp2, _Complex double ** tmp3, _Complex double ** tmp4, _Complex double ** tmp5, _Complex double ** tmp6, _Complex double ** tmp7, _Complex double ** tmp8, _Complex double ** tmp9, _Complex double** tmp10, fft_vect* fft1, fft_vect* fft2, fft_vect* ifft, int K1, int K2, int N1, int N2, unsigned int nthreads, unsigned int algorithm);
// release vectors
int lyapunov_free_tmps(double* lyapunov, double* lyapunov_avg, _Complex double* Du_prod, _Complex double* Du, _Complex double* u, _Complex double* prevu, _Complex double* tmp1, _Complex double* tmp2, _Complex double* tmp3, _Complex double* tmp4, _Complex double* tmp5, _Complex double* tmp6, _Complex double* tmp7, _Complex double* tmp8, _Complex double* tmp9, _Complex double* tmp10, fft_vect fft1, fft_vect fft2, fft_vect ifft, unsigned int algorithm);

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ limitations under the License.
#include "dstring.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "int_tools.h"
#include "lyapunov.h"
#include "navier-stokes.h"
@ -55,6 +56,8 @@ typedef struct nstrophy_parameters {
bool keep_en_cst;
FILE* initfile;
FILE* drivingfile;
double lyapunov_reset;
double D_epsilon;
} nstrophy_parameters;
// usage message
@ -279,6 +282,9 @@ int main (
else if(command==COMMAND_QUIET){
quiet(parameters.K1, parameters.K2, parameters.N1, parameters.N2, parameters.final_time,,, parameters.L, parameters.adaptive_tolerance, parameters.adaptive_factor, parameters.max_delta, parameters.adaptive_norm, parameters.starting_time, u0, g, parameters.irreversible, parameters.keep_en_cst, parameters.init_en, parameters.algorithm, nthreads, savefile);
else if(command==COMMAND_LYAPUNOV){
lyapunov(parameters.K1, parameters.K2, parameters.N1, parameters.N2, parameters.final_time, parameters.lyapunov_reset,, parameters.D_epsilon,, parameters.L, parameters.adaptive_tolerance, parameters.adaptive_factor, parameters.max_delta, parameters.adaptive_norm, u0, g, parameters.irreversible, parameters.keep_en_cst, parameters.init_en, parameters.algorithm, parameters.starting_time, nthreads);
else if(command==0){
fprintf(stderr, "error: no command specified\n");
@ -501,6 +507,9 @@ int read_args(
else if(strcmp(argv[i], "lyapunov")==0){
fprintf(stderr, "error: unrecognized command: '%s'\n",argv[i]);
@ -786,6 +795,20 @@ int set_parameter(
else if (strcmp(lhs,"lyapunov_reset")==0){
fprintf(stderr, "error: parameter 'lyapunov_reset' should be a double\n got '%s'\n",rhs);
else if (strcmp(lhs,"D_epsilon")==0){
fprintf(stderr, "error: parameter 'D_epsilon' should be a double\n got '%s'\n",rhs);
else if (strcmp(lhs,"driving")==0){
if (strcmp(rhs,"zero")==0){

View File

@ -89,21 +89,8 @@ int uk(
// iterate
while(final_time<0 || time<final_time){
ns_step_rk2(u, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, tmp1, tmp2, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RK4) {
ns_step_rk4(u, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RKF45) {
ns_step_rkf45(u, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en, true);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RKDP54) {
// only compute k1 on the first step
ns_step_rkdp54(u, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, &tmp1, &tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en, time==starting_time);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RKBS32) {
// only compute k1 on the first step
ns_step_rkbs32(u, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, &tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, &tmp4, tmp5, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en, time==starting_time);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"bug: unknown algorithm: %u, contact ian.jauslin@rutgers,edu\n",algorithm);
// step
ns_step(algorithm, u, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, L, g, time, starting_time, fft1, fft2, ifft, &tmp1, &tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
@ -205,21 +192,7 @@ int enstrophy(
// iterate
while(final_time<0 || time<final_time){
ns_step_rk2(u, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, tmp1, tmp2, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RK4) {
ns_step_rk4(u, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RKF45) {
ns_step_rkf45(u, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en, true);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RKDP54) {
// only compute k1 on the first step
ns_step_rkdp54(u, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, &tmp1, &tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en, time==starting_time);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RKBS32) {
// only compute k1 on the first step
ns_step_rkbs32(u, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, &tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, &tmp4, tmp5, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en, time==starting_time);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"bug: unknown algorithm: %u, contact ian.jauslin@rutgers,edu\n",algorithm);
ns_step(algorithm, u, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, L, g, time, starting_time, fft1, fft2, ifft, &tmp1, &tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
@ -386,21 +359,7 @@ int quiet(
// iterate
while(final_time<0 || time<final_time){
ns_step_rk2(u, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, tmp1, tmp2, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RK4) {
ns_step_rk4(u, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RKF45) {
ns_step_rkf45(u, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en, true);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RKDP54) {
// only compute k1 on the first step
ns_step_rkdp54(u, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, &tmp1, &tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en, time==starting_time);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RKBS32) {
// only compute k1 on the first step
ns_step_rkbs32(u, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, &tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, &tmp4, tmp5, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en, time==starting_time);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"bug: unknown algorithm: %u, contact ian.jauslin@rutgers,edu\n",algorithm);
ns_step(algorithm, u, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, &step, &next_step, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, L, g, time, starting_time, fft1, fft2, ifft, &tmp1, &tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
@ -553,6 +512,60 @@ int copy_u(
// next time step
int ns_step(
unsigned int algorithm,
_Complex double* u,
int K1,
int K2,
int N1,
int N2,
double nu,
double* delta,
double* next_delta,
double adaptive_tolerance,
double adaptive_factor,
double max_delta,
unsigned int adaptive_norm,
double L,
_Complex double* g,
double time,
double starting_time,
fft_vect fft1,
fft_vect fft2,
fft_vect ifft,
// the pointers tmp1 and tmp2 will be exchanged at the end of the routine for first-same-as-last RK algorithms
_Complex double** tmp1,
_Complex double** tmp2,
_Complex double* tmp3,
_Complex double* tmp4,
_Complex double* tmp5,
_Complex double* tmp6,
_Complex double* tmp7,
bool irreversible,
bool keep_en_cst,
double target_en
ns_step_rk2(u, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, *delta, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, *tmp1, *tmp2, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RK4) {
ns_step_rk4(u, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, *delta, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, *tmp1, *tmp2, tmp3, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RKF45) {
ns_step_rkf45(u, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, delta, next_delta, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, *tmp1, *tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en, true);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RKDP54) {
// only compute k1 on the first step
// first-same-as-last with 2-nd argument
ns_step_rkdp54(u, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, delta, next_delta, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en, time==starting_time);
} else if (algorithm==ALGORITHM_RKBS32) {
// only compute k1 on the first step
// first-same-as-last with 4-th argument
ns_step_rkbs32(u, adaptive_tolerance, adaptive_factor, max_delta, adaptive_norm, K1, K2, N1, N2, nu, delta, next_delta, L, g, fft1, fft2, ifft, tmp1, tmp3, tmp4, tmp2, tmp5, irreversible, keep_en_cst, target_en, time==starting_time);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"bug: unknown algorithm: %u, contact\n",algorithm);
return (0);
// RK 4 algorithm
int ns_step_rk4(
_Complex double* u,
@ -1342,6 +1355,80 @@ int ns_T_nofft(
return 0;
// Jacobian of rhs
int ns_D_rhs(
_Complex double* out,
_Complex double* u,
int K1,
int K2,
double nu,
double L,
bool irreversible
int kx,ky,lx,ly;
int i;
double alpha;
if (irreversible) {
} else {
for(i=0; i<MATSIZE*MATSIZE; i++){
// diagonal term
for(ky=(kx>0 ? -K2 : 1);ky<=K2;ky++){
// convolution term
for(ky=(kx>0 ? -K2 : 1);ky<=K2;ky++){
for(ly=(lx>0 ? -K2 : 1);ly<=K2;ly++){
// no contribution from k=l
if (kx!=lx && ky!=ly){
// use row-major ordering
// derivative of T with respect to u_k
_Complex double ns_d_T(
_Complex double* u,
int kx,
int ky,
int lx,
int ly,
int K2
int qx=kx-lx;
int qy=ky-ly;
// trivial case
if (qx*qx+qy*qy==0){
return 0.;
if (qx>0 || (qx==0 && qy>=1)){
return (ky*lx-kx*ly)*(qx*qx+qy*qy-lx*lx-ly*ly)/sqrt(lx*lx+ly*ly)/sqrt(qx*qx+qy*qy)*u[klookup_sym(qx,qy,K2)];
return (ky*lx-kx*ly)*(qx*qx+qy*qy-lx*lx-ly*ly)/sqrt(lx*lx+ly*ly)/sqrt(qx*qx+qy*qy)*u[klookup_sym(-qx,-qy,K2)];
// compute alpha
double compute_alpha(
_Complex double* u,

View File

@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ limitations under the License.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
// abort signal
extern volatile bool g_abort;
@ -51,6 +49,7 @@ int ns_free_tmps( _Complex double* u, _Complex double* tmp1, _Complex double *tm
int copy_u( _Complex double* u, _Complex double* u0, int K1, int K2);
// next time step for Irreversible/reversible Navier-Stokes equation
int ns_step( unsigned int algorithm, _Complex double* u, int K1, int K2, int N1, int N2, double nu, double* delta, double* next_delta, double adaptive_tolerance, double adaptive_factor, double max_delta, unsigned int adaptive_norm, double L, _Complex double* g, double time, double starting_time, fft_vect fft1, fft_vect fft2, fft_vect ifft, _Complex double** tmp1, _Complex double** tmp2, _Complex double* tmp3, _Complex double* tmp4, _Complex double* tmp5, _Complex double* tmp6, _Complex double* tmp7, bool irreversible, bool keep_en_cst, double target_en);
// RK4
int ns_step_rk4( _Complex double* u, int K1, int K2, int N1, int N2, double nu, double delta, double L, _Complex double* g, fft_vect fft1, fft_vect fft2,fft_vect ifft, _Complex double* tmp1, _Complex double *tmp2, _Complex double *tmp3, bool irreversible, bool keep_en_cst, double target_en);
// RK2
@ -71,6 +70,13 @@ int ns_T( _Complex double* u, int K1, int K2, int N1, int N2, fft_vect fft1, fft
// convolution term in right side of equation (computed without fft)
int ns_T_nofft( _Complex double* out, _Complex double* u, int K1, int K2, int N1, int N2);
// Jacobian of rhs
int ns_D_rhs( _Complex double* out, _Complex double* u, int K1, int K2, double nu, double L, bool irreversible);
// derivative of T with respect to u_k
_Complex double ns_d_T( _Complex double* u, int kx, int ky, int lx, int ly, int K2);
// compute alpha
double compute_alpha( _Complex double* u, int K1, int K2, _Complex double* g, double L);
// compute energy