Eric A. Carlen, Markus Holzmann, Ian Jauslin, Elliott H. Lieb: A simplified approach to the repulsive Bose gas from low to high densities and its numerical accuracy, 2020
Ovidiu Costin, Rodica Costin, Ian Jauslin, Joel L. Lebowitz: Non-perturbative Solution of the 1d Schrodinger Equation Describing Photoemission from a Sommerfeld model Metal by an Oscillating Field, 2022
Ovidiu Costin, Rodica Costin, Ian Jauslin, Joel L. Lebowitz: Exact solution of the 1D time-dependent Schrodinger equation for the emission of quasi-free electrons from a flat metal surface by a laser, 2019
Ovidiu Costin, Rodica Costin, Ian Jauslin, Joel L. Lebowitz: Solution of the time dependent Schrodinger equation leading to Fowler-Nordheim field emission, 2018