v1.0: * Major overhaul: All sections have been changed and improved. * Added: Computation of the condensate fraction * Added: Discussion and plots of correlation function and momentum distribution * Added: Section on numerical computation * Added: Appendices on functional analysis * Added: Detailed analysis of the operator K_e * Change: Parameters for numerical simulations. * Change: Renamed "Simplified approach" to "Lieb's simplified approach" * Added: More bibliography * Added: Acknowledgements v0.2: * Added: Discussion of uniqueness of the solution of the Simple Equation * Added: Exercise: prove \psi_0>=0 using |\psi_0| * Added: Links in bibliography * Removed: Commented blocks * Fixed: Formatting v0.1: * Fixed: H_N is not compact, e^{-H_N} is. * Fixed: Removed confusing discussion of Anyons * Added: Discussion of compactness.