This directory contains the source files to typeset the article, and generate the figures. This can be accomplished by running make This document uses a custom class file, located in the 'libs' directory, which defines a number of commands. Most of these are drop-in replacements for those defined in the 'article' class. The data for some of the figures was generated using 'photocomp', which is a program written by the authors to solve the Schrodinger equation numerically for this problem. It has not been released, so the raw data files are included for those who may want to modify the figures. The bibliography is managed by BibTeX, using the database file 'bibliography.bib'. * Dependencies: pdflatex TeXlive packages: amsfonts amsmath amsthm authblk array color doublestroke graphics hyperref latex natbib pgf standalone BibTeX GNU make gnuplot * Files: Costin_Costin_Jauslin_Lebowitz_2022.tex: main LaTeX file bibliography.bib BibTeX database file figs: source code for the figures apsrev4-2_mod.bst: modified BibTeX style file, adapted from apsrev4-2.bst, which is a part of revtex, and is published under the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed. The original is available from
Ovidiu Costin, Rodica Costin, Ian Jauslin, Joel L. Lebowitz: Non-perturbative Solution of the 1d Schrodinger Equation Describing Photoemission from a Sommerfeld model Metal by an Oscillating Field, 2022